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mirrOracle | Synchromystic
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The SynchroMystic

Invent life this moment, fate has laid it out before you
Dress in clothing that any future might wish to wear
Merged together are the energies of destiny and intent
You will meet yourself at the mystic crossroads;
Reference well the matching features
How objects and the space around them are inseparable
And the mercurial “aha” escapes your lips.

You are the SynchroMystic….
Navigating ever ready evolution,

You are the SynchroMystic….
You are crossing the threshold of time

You are the SynchroMystic….
Track the sensation, go at your own pace,

You are the SynchroMystic….
All that you need will arrive to meet you

You are the SynchroMystic….
On the ripening path that is yours alone

You are the SynchroMystic
And you are always coming home

You are the SynchroMystic
And you are already home,
Already home.
Already home

connection, destiny, dreaming, evolution, fate, interface, lucid dream, mystic, navigate, revelation, seamless, self-making, synchronous, trust