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mirrOracle | Life Is Art
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Life Is Art


19 Aug Life Is Art

Out here in the deep space of our Universe, Gaia spins with all of us aboard. This mysterious adventure unfolds as each of our lives unfold, within the familiar and simultaneously bizarre situations of our human existence. Starting with birth into family, following the through line into society, commerce, creativity, relationship, and all that life offers… including death as our eventual exit.

As I make my way through the utter unknown of it all, a reality operating system is hoisted upon my naive being, via genetics and via memes embedded in cultural norms and expectations. I am in service to a pure inquiry. How wondrous would it be… to lift off the burdensome coat of cultural conditioning and to peer beneath the veils.

At last I am gazing into the vast unknown, leaving behind answers that don’t satisfy, replacing them with better questions and a more innocent curiosity. In this place of tender opening, I encounter the delicious realm of creativity. Here my soul is gifted a special invitation to join with Creator in the dance of Imagination and Manifestation. I call this Creationship, meaning relationship with Creator, and the act of making up worlds both within and without….

After a lifetime of making objects: painting surfaces, sculpting forms, writing and filming and visionary businesses…..I finally realize that the creativity of my life and how I live, form the best art piece I will ever make. In other words, I am the art, and my life is art~!

What does life look like, lived as art?

As with any spiritual path, self reflection is key, with deepening awareness and attunment to the myriad of choices, I continually select a pathway through. My choices are colors, lines, beats and movements. There are no wrong moves, only the ones that lead me toward the most authentic and satisfying results. As an artist, I must take risks in search of my highest visions. Mistakes are viewed with interest and often give way to new forms. Success is a feeling rather than a number. As I adapt to the changing lines of my own decisions,, evolution is furthered.

Stepping back to witness myself within the milieu of humanity, I acknowledge strengths, weaknesses, super-powers and vulnerabilities that carve me into a unique piece of the whole. Emotions are the instruments of my inner soundtrack…..the highs and lows of improvisational soul song ~ as the dance of embodiment includes more and more of my harmonic potential. Passion and Compassion, are the angels on either side, teaching me the steps to the Great Dance of Becoming.

Life is Art.

This we can feel and know when stepping into the plush playground of magic and beauty. Rather than working so hard to live by the standards of a dying world, this new view provides earth for the dream garden to grow. Blooming with imagination and collaboration, a new world of flowering abundance, rich in mystery, is beckoning each of us to join in…

La Laurrien

Art + Word + Vision

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